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We work with unsatisfied business owners...

Our clients want some or all of these:

Achieve goals faster

Build a stronger leadership team

Prepare for a better business exit

You may be in one of these three scenarios:

Unsatisfied with your business status quo?

You are unhappy with what you are getting from your business. The source could be unacceptable profits, lack of time freedom, issues with one or more of your leaders/managers or uncertainty about achieving a great business exit.

Set up a conversation about your situation and options – click here: Conversation with Doug

Want a better Business Exit Plan?

We are intent on helping owners increase the value of their business and preparing for a great business exit, regardless of the form of exit. You may be researching your business exit options, but not comfortable with those presented to you. We can help you consider two specific, little-known exit options.

Click here: Conversation with Doug to start a discussion.

Self-implementing a Business Operating System?

You’ve read or listened to either Traction, Get a Grip, Rocket Fuel, or Scaling Up, 4 Disciplines of Execution or Measure What Matters and want to run your company using one of these Business Operating Systems (BOS). You are wondering if you should hire an outside BOS Implementer/Coach or “do-it-yourself” to implement the BOS in your business. Want an independent perspective? Click here for a Conversation with Doug to get acquainted and learn more.

“Doug helped us structure our Leadership Team and helped us get aligned on the same vision and begin using simple management tools which enabled us to execute much better….in 2018 our revenue is up 20% and we are profitable year to date for the first time in years.”

Caroline S.
Owner & Visionary, IT Services firm (12 employees)
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